The Redneck Bar




fun right (4) would you mind
let’s see permission see/saw/seen
hell (2) head (3) sure as hell
funny preferably hear/heard/heard
plain head out a little while
bear as long as know/knew/known
mind block (3) good ole boy
while all it takes find/found/found
badge you’d best look around
tough backward I don’t give a _____
kind (2) country (2) out of your mind
parole cooperate run away (2)
enjoy situation all the way (2)
look for at hand (2) all right (2)
tax (2) necessary behind you (2)
refund matter (2) run/ran/run (3)
kick (2) Redneck nightmare (2)
Hillbilly chick (2) what the hell
wonder whenever bad/worse/worst
stupid game (3) come on (2)
alley listen up feel/felt/felt
jewelry underage on your way
respect hang out out of business
hassle loaded (3) break/broke/broken
sheriff break (3) give me a break (2)






Eddie Murphy (Reggie Hammond): “You said bulls*** and experience is all it takes, right?”
Detective: “Right!”
Eddie Murphy: “Come on and experience some of my bullsh**.”
Detective: “Alright, let’s see it.”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .

Eddie Murphy (Reggie Hammond): “Not a very popular place with the brothers.”
Detective: “My kind of place. Always liked country boys. They’re sure as hell going to like you.”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “How do?”
Bartender: “Yeah?”
Eddie Murphy: “I’d like something to drink. Preferably some vodka.”
Bartender: “You’d best have a . . . Black Russian.”
Eddie Murphy: “Ahaha! Black Russian?!? You heard what he said, ‘Black Russian,’ that’s a funny joke. I get it. I’m Black. That’s funny.

No, I’d just rather have plain old vodka. That’d be nice.

You know, as long as we’re standing here talking, you know, we’re all friendly.
I’m looking for a good ole boy by the name of Billy Bear. I was wondering if you might be able to help me find him.”

Bartender: “Never heard of him.”

Eddie Murphy: “Never heard of him before? Never heard of Billy Bear, huh? Look at here . . .

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “You f***** heard of him now, man?!?”

Bartender: “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

Eddie Murphy: “Well, maybe you wouldn’t mind if I looked around for a little while, huh?”

Bartender: “I don’t give a s*** what you do.”
Eddie Murphy: “Good.”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “I’ve never seen so many backward-a** country f*** in my life. I’m sick just to be in here.

You boys look like regulars. I’m looking for a guy named Billy Bear. You know where I can find him?”

A Regular: “This is our place. I don’t give a s*** what the f*** your badge says, n*****!”

Eddie Murphy: “Oh, you’re a big, tough country f*****, ain’t you?”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “You out of your f****** mind, man? Get up against the f****** pole. Think I’m playing a goddamn game, man? You’re out of your f****** mind?!? Huh!?!”

“I’m saying it one more time, okay?!? This is a police matter, and I’m looking for an Indian named Billy Bear!

I know everybody in here wants to cooperate with me . . .”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “Hey, that’s not even necessary, all right, man? I got the situation at hand.”

Detective: “Some of the citizens are behind you all the way, officer.”

Eddie Murphy: “What’s your f***** problem?
Fleeing Suspect: “Hey, I’m on parole.”
Eddie Murphy: “That’s why you’re running away?”
Parolee: “Yeah?”
Eddie Murphy: “Get your country a** down.”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “Alright, listen up. I DON’T like White people. I HATE Rednecks. You people are Rednecks. That means I’m enjoying this s***.

You loaded here! Where the f*** did you get this?”
Redneck: “Tax refunds.”
Eddie Murphy: “Bulls****; you’re too stupid to have a job.

You like that? You like that s***? You hate that s****, right?

Another Redneck: “What the hell kind of cop are you?”
Eddie Murphy: “You know what I am? I’m your worst f***** nightmare, man. I’m a n***** with a badge. That means I got permission to kick your f***** a** whenever I feel like it!!!”

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .


Eddie Murphy: “Alright, listen up. One of them’s underage, another one attacked a police officer, and I still ain’t found what I’m looking for yet.

Well, look, I think you’re on your way to being out of business, alright.

Let’s see who we can f*** with next . . .”

Bartender: “Hey man, alright, okay, okay. Now listen, the Indian hangs out with a chick who lives up the block. Just head up the alley across the street where Chinatown starts. She lives on top of the jewelry store.”

Eddie Murphy: “I didn’t ask you s*** about his girl, man.”
Bartender: “Oh, give me a break, will you? You’re gonna have to settle for her place ‘cause it’s all I know.

I’m telling you, I’m giving you all I know!!!”

Eddie Murphy: “Well, look, hosh . . . you start running a respectable business, and I won’t have to come in here and hassle you every night.

You know what I mean?”

Eddie Murphy: “And I want the rest of you cowboys to know something: There’s a new sheriff in town . . .

Aand his name is Reggie Hammond.

Y’all be cool. Right on.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *





Alabama. In the beginning, a couple (boyfriend and girlfriend) decided to go to a bar. True or false?

Arkansas. Both men felt comfortable and at home in the bar. Is this right or wrong?

Florida. Was the bartender nice and friendly with Eddie Murphy?

Georgia. Did Eddie Murphy want to know about the bartender’s personal life? What happened?

Kentucky. Were the bar patrons cooperative with Eddie Murphy?

Louisiana. A customer ran to attack Eddie Murphy. Is this correct or incorrect? Why was he running?

Mississippi. Did Eddie Murphy find smartphones on the men he patted down (frisked)?

Missouri. What happened in the end?
North Carolina. Is this your stereotypical image of the US, Americans and American culture?

South Carolina. What can you say about Rednecks? Describe their socio-economic status, culture, lifestyle, way of life.

Tennessee. Are there “redneck-like” people in your region or nation? Describe them.

Texas. How are “Rednecks” viewed? Are they admired, despised, both, in the middle, it depends?

Wyoming. Would you like to be a Redneck? I would like to live in Mississippi, Alabama, or Louisiana.

West Virginia. What might happen in the future?

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