Tapping Basics




relief area (2) right away
mind provide get started
lie (2) benefit incredible
voice point (2) eyebrow
visual point (2) begin/began/begun
side hand (2) stress (2)
chop length resistant
tap follow underneath
flesh crease collarbone
hope bow tie stimulate
stay pick (2) response
bone armpit algorithm
nose tension round (3)
chin anxiety even though
lip accept headache
trust show (2) get rid of
tie (3) ability neutralize
arm inability judgment
width process feel/felt/felt (2)
panic honest say/said/said
fancy example bring that up (2)
calm deadline send/sent/sent
safe vent (2) too much
relax whole conversation







Welcome to TheTappingSolution.com. This is Jessica Ortner, and welcome to our how to tap area.

Here, we’ll provide all the information to help you get started right away to use this incredible stress relief technique that will really benefit your mind and your body.

Now, in this video, I’m going to show you the tapping points are, so you can get a visual.

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The first point is the side of the hand, and it’s the karate chop point. So, tap on that fleshy part. The next point is the eyebrow point, and it doesn’t matter which side of the body you tap on. Just pick a side and tap where the beginning of your eyebrow begins — right on that hair.

I hope you’re tapping along with me!

You’re going to follow that bone until you’re on the side of the eye, staying on that bone.

Then, underneath the eye. Again, staying on that bone.

Underneath the nose.

The chin point, which is actually the crease between your lip and your chin. Your collarbone point —

I like to just take my whole hand and tap where a man’s bowtie would lie, and you’ll stimulate the point.

Then, underneath the arm… about a hand width from your armpit. Then, you end with the top of the head.

Those are the nine points in this tapping algorithm, and that is one round.

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The Setup Statement

So, what you do is you begin by saying the setup statement. The setup statement is, “Even though I have this problem, even though I have this anxiety, even though I have this headache . . . I love and accept myself.” Or simply, “I accept myself.”

A lot of people feel resistant to this. They say, “Why would I ever say I accept something that I want to get rid of?”

Well, it’s our inability to accept a feeling that usually keeps it stuck in place. By saying the setup statement, it sets us up for the rest of the process, helps neutralize any judgment we have around the problem.

So, you say the setup statement three times. Then you tap on the rest of the acupressure points while simply saying how you feel. It’s not about the fancy language; it’s about being honest with how you’re feeling, bringing that up in your body, and tapping on these acupressure points.

Again, sending that calming signal to the brain, letting your brain know that even with this thought, you are safe and it’s OK to relax.

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Tapping Round Example

So, let me give you an example of what one tapping round may look like. If you are stressed around, say, a deadline, you would tap and say, “Even though I feel so stressed around this deadline, I love and accept myself.”

“Even though I feel stressed around this deadline, I accept myself.”
“Even though I feel stress around this deadline, I love and accept myself.”

Whatever variation of the setup statement you’d like to use, it’s perfect.

Then, we’re going to tap on the rest of the points just while we vent. So, it’d go something like this . . .

Eyebrow: The stress around this deadline…

Side of the Eye: I have too much to do…

Under the Eye: It’s too much for one person…

Under the Nose: All this pressure that I feel…

Chin: This pressure I feel to do it perfectly…

Collarbone: This pressure around this deadline…

Under the Arm: All this pressure around this deadline…

Top of the Head: All of this pressure…

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It’s as simple as trusting your intuition and really just giving a voice to the tape you’re already playing in your head. You might already be having that panicked conversation.

Now, have that conversation with yourself while stimulating the points to really see a difference.
You’ll get to the point where you can say these things, you can think these thoughts, without having the tension, the physical response, and that is where the real change happens.

Well, I hope that is enough to help you get started. Continue reading here to get more information, and welcome to TheTappingSolution.com!

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Head, Hair, Face. In this video, Jessica talked about the history and development of tapping. True or false?

Eyes, Eyebrows, Eyelashes. Did Jessica put liquid medication on the various points?

Nose, Ears. Were the points on your biceps, triceps, elbow, thigh, knee and foot?

Mouth, Teeth, Lips. Jessica said to just watch and listen to her. Is this right or wrong?

Cheeks, Chin. The setup statement involves saying things like, “I wish could win the lottery. I wish to marry a princess or prince. I wish I were tall, trim, young, and beautiful (handsome). Do you agree?

Neck. What is supposed to happen when you say and hold negative thoughts and feelings while simultaneously tapping on yourself?

Shoulders. This video is supposed to have all the answers and cure and solve all your problems. Is this correct or incorrect?
Arms, Elbow. Have you heard of acutapping, tapping, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)?

Hand, Fingers, Thumb. What healing modalities or alternative medicines have you heard of?

Body, Chest. Are self-help, success coaching, success gurus very popular? Do you see them on TV, in bookstores, in seminars and workshops?

Stomach, Waist, Hips. What sorts of problems do you wish to address or what ailments do you wish to cure?

Back, Spine. What goals would you like to achieve?

Legs, Knees. What might happen in the future?

Foot, Feet, Toes. What could or should people do?

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