Supply Chains




harvest laborers commercial farm
tractor combine airport
truck train (2) refrigeration
cargo freight container
harbor storage cold storage
retail warehouse retail outlet
port offload distributor
load logistics cold storage
canal longshore cargo vessel
dock middleman longshoremen
market hypermarket cut out the middleman
bazaar open market marketplace
spoil perishable shipping lane
expiry expiration date shipping route
railway longshore shelf life
shelves wholesale point of sales
field (2) transport payment terminal
tariff excise tax point of sales terminal
quotas boycott free trade
embargo restrictions procurement
vendor supplier client
seller store clerk customer


Here are some pictures. Answer the following questions for each.

1. What is this? This is a . . . . .

2. Where is this place? This is a . . . . .

3. Describe the weather. What season is this? What month is it?

4. Who is this person? He is . . . . . She is a . . . . . They are . . . . .

5. What is she doing? What’s he doing? What are they doing? He is . . . . . .

6. How does he feel? He is . . . . . . .

7. What will happen next? They will . . . . .

Harvesting Carrots Unloading Apples

Fruit Harvesting Machine 6:00 am

Pumpkin Harvest 6:00 am

4:30 am 6:00 am

Unloading Vegetables 6:00 am

Squash Storage 6:00 am

Cold Storage 6:00 am

4:30 am 6:00 am


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