The US Government and Politics




office congress legislature
vote executive prime minister
law public office constitution
justice election election campaign
fraud candidate supreme court
judge senate congress
jury bicameral member of parliament
camber upper house lower house
session proposal House of Representatives
draft filibuster bureau
cabinet approve bureaucrat
pass reform amendment
veto defence commander in chief
bill (3) treasury department
budget agency investigation
mint (2) commerce intelligence


Here are some pictures. Answer the following questions for each.

1. What is this? This is a . . . . .

2. Where is this place? This is a . . . . .

3. Describe the weather. What season is this? What month is it?

4. Who is this person? He is . . . . . She is a . . . . . They are . . . . .

5. What is she doing? What’s he doing? What are they doing? He is . . . . . .

6. How does he feel? He is . . . . . . .

7. What will happen next? They will . . . . .


US Capitol BuildingCongress in Session
The White House The President and Officials
Meeting of Heads of States Meeting, Discussion
Press Conference Questioning a Politician

Supreme Court Justices The Supreme Court Building
Presidential Campaign Debate Voting in an election
State Visit Royal Engagement
State Dinner DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)



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