Cyber Attacks




hack capability drive/drove/driven
disrupt separate make/made/made
high vulnerable shut down
expert supply (2) say/said/said
wreak follow (2) take action
havoc as well as intelligence (2)
alarm hideous propaganda
swift radical (2) operation (2)
equip so far (2) infrastructure
ISIL staff (2) authorities
tackle collective network (3)
threat increase knife/knives
invest austerity measure (2)
hire prevent additional
flag (2) alliance declare war
ally website account (2)
declare hand over anonymous
battle until now considering






Energy networks, transportation, and financial markets are all computer-driven. Those computers are connected to separate networks or to the Internet . . . and that makes industrial nations vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Hackers can disrupt financial markets or even shut down the electricity supply.

Experts say the danger is high and continues to grow. Terror groups like Islamic State could wreak havoc.

British finance minister George Osborne is alarmed, and following the attacks in Paris, he wants to take swift action. That includes better equipping intelligence services to fight Islamic State.

George Osborne, British Finance Minster: “ISIL are already using the internet for hideous propaganda purposes, for radicalization, for operational planning too.

They have not so far been able to use it to kill people by attacking our infrastructure through cyber attack. They do not yet have that capability, but we know they want it, and we know they’re doing their best to build it.

So when we talk about tackling ISIL, that means tackling their cyber threat as well as the threat of their guns, and their bombs, and their knives.”

Despite increased austerity measures, the British government wants to invest five billion euros in preventing cyber attacks. Intelligence services are set to hire 1,900 additional staff in the coming years.

The international hacking collective Anonymous has also declared war on Islamic State. The group is flagging its accounts on Twitter, attacking IS websites, and handing over data to US authorities.

It’s an unusual alliance considering that until now, Anonymous has often battled against government authorities.


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Internet. All business, industries and enterprises only involve paper records and documentation. True or false?

Online (Shopping, Education, Dating), Theft. Do modern organizations have an “Achilles’ heel”? What is their Achilles’ heel?

Cyberspace, Cybersecurity. Hacking and cyber-attacks only involve computer malfunctions, crashes and loss of data. Is this right or wrong?

Cloud Computing. Hackers are entirely amateur teens and hikikomoris, or online recluses and cyberjunkies.

Big Data. Do online security experts and counterhackers work from their kitchen tables at home?

Algorithm, Code, Software, Program. ISIL or ISIS hacking activity is mainly stealing money from financial institutions and individuals. Is this correct or incorrect?

Website, Platform, App. All that is needed to counter hacking and cyberattacks is one computer super geek. Do you agree?

Bug, Virus, Malware. Are online alliances, partnerships and cooperation straightforward or complex?
Trojan Horse. My computer has been hacked. I have lost data or had system crashes. My device has been infected by malware or viruses. Yes or no?

Data Collecting, Harvesting. Are hacking, cyperattacks, viruses, malware, sextortion problems only for ordinary people, prominent individuals organizations or both?

Industrial Espionage, Spyware. Do cyber problems go beyond malicious “conventional” hacking?

Hack, Breach of Security. Have you noticed various countermeasures over time? Do people find them inconvenient?

Delete File. What might happen in the future?

Anti-Virus, Privacy, Security. How can people, organizations and institutions safeguard their devices, date, systems and networks?

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