Acutapping on a TV Show




series renewal spiritual
soul massage meditation
tap illness sweep/swept/swept
risk anxiety good/better/best
cost chronic treatment
pain mental try/tried
climb train (2) marathon
mile involve beforehand
entire go away excruciating
knot shoulder combat (2)
get at deep (2) tissue (2)
blood therapy work out (2)
inject lighten inflammation
broth discover feel/felt/felt (2)
anti constant picture (2)
roam various bring/brought/brought
aisle through read/read/read
tilt massage figure out
grab sense (3) pressure (2)
exact emotion patient (2)
focus meridian believe (2)
relief security excruciating
gluten free (3) wonderful
induce cycle (3) break/broke/broken
except point (2) board (2)
local session pick up (3)
join mind (2) absolutely
glad chronic bestselling
layer release depends on
onion turn on hit/hit/hit (2)
peel analogy dig/dug/dug
author whatever commercial (2)
brain audience meet/met/met
worry response teach/taught/taught
sure activate go through
fancy mattress frustration
herb flight (2) psychotherapy
trick available antidepressant
side eyebrow send/sent/sent
collar under (2) what’s going on
bone wire (2) does it matter
fit (3) orthodox acknowledge
debate eliminate underneath
react prepare whatever it takes
needle turn off all of the sudden
boss issue (3) begin/began/begun
trigger out loud speak/spoke/spoken
chop choose/chose/chosen







Host: Day Two of our series, “Spiritual Renewal” — helping you connect your mind, body and soul.

You’ve all heard of yoga, meditation, massages to de-stress, right?

But what about tapping?

It’s sweeping the nation. It’s one of the best, low-risk, low-cost treatment for chronic pain, anxiety and other mental illnesses.

And one woman’s story may make you want to try it.

Watch this.

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Being active was always part of Adrian Cerulo’s life: she loved to run and mountain climb. And even began to train for marathons back in 2012.

“I trained for it for three months beforehand, during the winter. It was a really warm winter here. So it worked out nicely.”

But in the last few miles of that race, she noticed a pain that was different. A pain that would not go away.

“I had this excruciating pain in the back of my right shoulder, and it did not let up for the entire marathon.

And even after the marathon, it did not go away; it was like that constant knot that was back there.”

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Adrian tried numerous treatments, including acupuncture, deep tissue massage, physical therapy — even having her own blood re-injected into her own body.

But nothing worked.

Adrian: “I tried going gluten-free, I started making bone-broth. I started making anti-inflammatory teas . . . anything that would try to lighten the burning and pain that I felt.”

Then in early 2016, while roaming the aisles of a bookstore, Adrian discovered a book about “tapping” — and unorthodox method used to combat stress, anxiety and various illnesses.

Adrian: “I just kind of tilted my head — and you know what? I grabbed it, I brought that book home that night, and I started to read through it. And started to figure out what it was getting at.

And I started tapping.

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But how exactly does it work?

First patients must focus solely on the negative emotion at hand.

The tapping singles out the body’s pressure points. And induces one’s energy system to create a sense of security and safety.

Even though it may help some people, the effects of tapping have not been studied as much as other non-traditional treatments like acupuncture.

Adrian says four years of excruciating were gone in just two days.

Adrian: “Oh my god. I did this twice, and I don’t have pain anymore. And it was wonderful.”

Nearly two years later, Adrian is pain-free and getting back to doing what she loves.

Adrian: “I had tried everything else. And nothing had given me relief for what is now two years. So whatever the tapping does to break that cycle, tapping on those meridians, releasing it, it absolutely worked.”

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Hard to believe that four years of chronic pain were eliminated after just two sessions of tapping, all from a book she picked up at a local BOOKSTORE!

But Adrian Cerulo joins us now to talk about it.

Host: “Adrian, good to see you.”
Adrian: “Good to see you.”

Host: Alright, did it work? Are you still pain-free?
Adrian: ”I am still pain free. Yes, it absolutely worked.”
Host: “What is it? And where do you have to do it?”

Adrian: “You can do it anywhere in your house.”
Host: “Where on your body?”

Adrian: “You have these different meridian points all over your face. There’s one here, one here, on your head. And the karate chop point.

And so you go around and you say certain things while you’re doing it.”

Host: “What’s a meridian?”
Adrian: “Ah, I don’t know all that much about it. I believe it comes from the Chinese medicine in there. So, I think it’s where they do acupuncture, they work it on certain points.”

Host: “Except this involves no needles?”
Adrian: “No needles whatsoever.”
Host: “No doctor?”
Adrian: “None.”
Host: “And you can do it any time. How long do you do the tapping?”
Adrian: “It depends on every person. So for mine, when I did my first session, I did it for somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes. I kept going with it.”

Host: “Do you hit them all?”

Adrian: “Yeah. You keep going. While you’re doing it, you are saying things. So you’re digging deeper. They use the analogy of the layers of an onion. So you’re peeling away; you start to dig into what are the negative emotions, what’s causing the pain. Where is it coming from?

As you tap, you’re releasing it from your body. You’re breaking the mind-body connection there.”

Host: “Two sessions. After you tried all those things, including the blood reinjected and pain-free.

She’s not the only one. I’ve heard this from many people believe in this tapping, which is cheap and readily available and very simple.

Right after this break, we’ll meet the man who taught Adrian how to tap away her pain, and he’s gong to show you too.

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Joined now by Adrian Cerulo, and the man who changed her life, Nick Ortner. Nick’s been tapping since 2003 and is the New York Times bestselling author of The Tapping Solution.

Host: “Good morning again, and good morning to you.”
Nick Ortner: “Good morning.”

Host: “So what are these ‘meridians’?”
Nick Ortner: “So we have these endpoints in our bodies; we have these meridian systems. And what the tapping does is, what the latest research has shown, is when we tap . . .”
Host: “Everyone’s doing in the audience right now.”

Nick Ortner: “When we tap on these endpoints of meridians of our bodies, we send a signal to the amygdala in the brain. A lot of people know that’s the ‘fight or flight response center’. That’s the part that’s activated when we’re stressed or anxious or worried or in pain.”

So one of the things that was happening to Adrian was that ‘fight or flight’ over and over and over again. Especially as she had gone through all these different things: everything you try, every frustration, I’m sure you’ve felt.”

Host: “Acupuncture, surgery, deep tissue massage, PT, fancy mattresses, fancy chairs, yoga, Chinese herbs, psychotherapy, antidepressants, muscle exercises, anti-inflammatories . . .

Host: “But this got it done.”
Nick Ortner: “I know those things are great. I go to a chiropractor, I love my doctor . . . the difference is she brought in a mind-body connection. She said, ‘What’s going on inside this pain? How do I feel about this pain? How do I feel about my life?’”

Host: “You were saying during the commercial break, you trick your brain to not send that pain?”
Adrian: “I felt like that’s what happened; something changed my brain. And it stopped waking up with pain, like thinking that I was going to have pain that day, and I stopped going to sleep thinking I was going to have pain.

When I woke up the next day, and it just stopped, whatever it was.”

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Host: “So how many points are there in your body?”
Nick Ortner: “So really quickly, side of the hand . . . eyebrow . . . side of the eye . . . under the eye . . . under the nose . . . under the mouth . . . collarbone . . . under the arm . . . and now America, top of the head, looking like monkeys . . .”

Host: “Does it matter which side of the body?”
Nick Ortner: “It doesn’t matter.”
Host: “Does it matter which hand?”
Nick Ortner: “Nope. And you just run that every time, focused on the stress, the anxiety. So when Adrian was doing the tapping, she focused on the pain, the anxiety, the stress. Did the tapping — and rewired the brain.”

Host: “You have to say the thing that stressing you out?”
Nick Ortner: “Exactly. You just acknowledge it. You acknowledge the truth. And that’s one of the best parts about it: we say,

‘You know, I’m angry, like when you’re in a fit of anger, and you say, ‘I can’t let go.’ And you want to let go, that’s your biology saying, ‘I’m not going to release this; because if I do, I won’t be safe.’”

Host: “I always picture myself in a presidential debate, going like . . .”
Nick Ortner: “Underneath the table, if that’s what it takes. If that’s what it takes.”
Host: “Make an offer between you your boss, or even you and your husband, you and your kids.”
Nick Ortner: “Do it in your own time; you do it in the bathroom in a board meeting — and then you come prepared to that, so you don’t react. And that’s what we’re doing. We’re turning off that reaction.

We don’t know what we want in our lives. We know we want more, we want more freedom . . . But then we try to do it — and here we go: I got angry again. I got anxious again. I’m in pain again.

We do the work on our own. That’s when we show up — and all of the sudden we’re different in the relationship. The boss doesn’t trigger us.”

Host: “That’s literally sending different signals to you body.

Alright, so listen, first of all, we want to tell you: first of all, if you have any pain or believe you have a medical issue, speak with your doctor, before beginning any treatment.

As we go to break, let’s just do it.”

Nick Ortner: “Alright, super quick, TV version: we pick what we want to tap on so, pain, stress, what ever’s going on . . . think about it . . . bring it to mind . . . and just say out loud,

‘Even though I have this stress, I choose to relax now . . . now flying through the points, eyebrow point. Now just think about what’s going on . . . side of the eye . . .”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *





Stress, Anxiety. There is only one form of treatment for mental, physical and psychological issues. True or false?

Depression. Is Acutapping a very expensive, complex and risky therapy?

Pessimism, Doom and Gloom. Adrian Cerulo was an unhealthy couch potato because she led a sedentary lifestyle, spending all her time indoors, surfing the internet, and eating junk food. Is this right or wrong?

Frustration, Disappointment. Did her ailment develop gradually, did it manifest suddenly, both, or in between?

Hopelessness, Despair. Adrian went to a hospital where she underwent surgery. Is this correct or incorrect?

Trauma, PTSD. Did she discover “tapping” on YouTube? Did it take two years of tapping treatments to cure herself?

Panic Attack. Is acutapping based on the latest breakthroughs in modern medical research? Does it involved high-tech medical devices?

Nervous Breakdown. Did the host explain and demonstrate how tapping works? Does tapping only consist of physical movements and postures?
Pain, Suffering, Torment. I have heard of tapping, acutapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT or acupuncture? Yes or no?

Let Go, Unwind, Relief. Is alternative medicine popular? Are there many TV shows, books, articles, and experts that feature alternative treatments?

Relaxation, Comfortable, Coziness. Are these alternative treatments genuine and legitimate; or these practitioners and methods fraudulent, quackery, and charlatans?

Calm, Peace of Mind. What is the best approach to good health?

Joy, Pleasure. What might happen in the future?

Fantasy, Ecstasy, Euphoria. What could or should people, experts, governments, businesses and high-tech entities do?

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