young and old

Young and Old



care can tell daycare center
fun resident senior citizen
offer space (2) arrangement
useful thrilled expression
hug location change of pace
roof watch (2) on my own
alike benefit interaction
elder go out celebration
move attend movement
funny motor (2) development
a bit rich (2) around (2)
air breath breath of fresh air
aging stop by slow down
need miss (3) make a difference
shy thing (2) combination
wing gesture under their wing
rush it’s time present (3)
draw highlight highlight of the day
senior fall in love moved by it
gift combine


Video: Generational Mingle



They all know the song. The youngsters who attend this daycare center in Dortmund. And their neighbors: residents in this home for seniors.

Not too long ago the day care center was looking for a new location. The senior citizens’ home offered them space.

The arrangement has worked out beautifully.

“I was thrilled when I heard they were building a day-care center here,” says Ingebarg Krusemann, a senior resident. “I’ve fallen in love with the place and the children. I could just give them all a hug.”

Another resident, Oberg Degen, says, “It’s nice with the children. It’s a change of pace. There isn’t all that much to do here. But in the summer, we can go out and watch them play in the garden. Things like that.”

A daycare and a senior center under one roof. Everyone benefits from the interaction, young and old alike. The songs and games aren’t just fun; they’re useful for the elderly residents and the children.

“For the little ones, combining language and movement is good for their motor development. And when you’re a bit older, and you’ve slowed down, it’s good to move around a bit. So singing and playing games is good for both of them. And it’s a lot of fun,” says Ruth Hegal, a daycare director.

For the seniors, the children are a breath of fresh air.

Like for Elisbeth Baumann. She had no children herself, and spent years caring for her aging parents. Now she took needs care. She’s been at the home for two years now.

“I’ve had a rich and full life. But it’s not nice without children. I’ve missed that.”

So this makes a difference?

Yes, it’s very nice.

“I stop by quite often. I visit on my own too. It’s a nice combination, I think.”

Two years ago when they first arrived, some of the children were still a bit shy around the seniors. But now the youngsters have also taken the residents under their wing.

This little boy shows us his drawing.

And who’s it for?

He says it’s for the birthday boy.

Now it’s time to rush over to the common room in the senior’s wing.

The birthday boy is waiting.

The children’s song and their presents is the highlight of his day.

“He can’t speak, but he can communication with expressions and facial gestures and sounds. We could tell he liked it. We could see that he was very moved by it,” says the seniors’ home director.

The children’s drawings are a welcome birthday gift.

Today is another happy celebration for both young and old.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



1. Why is the daycare center and senior citizens’ home in the same building?

2. How do the senior citizens feel about the children? Do they like the children?

3. Only the children sing and play games. True or false?

4. Describe the life of Elisabeth Baumann.

5. In the beginning, some children were shy among the seniors. Yes or no?

6. Why were the children drawing and coloring?

7. Was there a birthday? Whose birthday was it? What happened?

8. Are some of the senior citizens great-grand parents of the children? Are some of the children great-grand children of the senior citizens?
A. Do you attend or do your children attend a daycare center?

B. Are there birthday parties? What happens at birthday parties?

C. I live in a senior citizens’ home. Is this correct or wrong? Do your great-grand parents or great-grand aunt or uncle live in a senior citizens’ center?

D. There are many daycare centers and kindergartens in my city. Yes or no?

E. Are there many senior citizens’ homes?

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