The Wolf and The Dog
prowl | ground | approach |
edge | feed/fed | in the distance |
hunt | for days | freeze/froze/frozen |
bulk | in return | stand/stood |
bowl | chain (2) | at the same time |
scrap | various | catch/caught/caught |
guard | maraud | make out |
growl | bark (2) | run away |
stake | fantastic | by the way |
beef | collar (2) | all this time |
shiver | backyard | catch the sent of |
A lone wolf was prowling through a forest. Snow covered the ground.
He had not caught or eaten anything for several days.
The wolf then came upon the edge of the forest. In the distance, he could make out a farmhouse.
At the same time he caught the scent of (he smelled) . . . chickens.
The Farmhouse
And so the wolf approached the farmhouse. As he got nearer to the backyard, he suddenly froze: a big, bulky dog stood between him and the chickens. The dog was in front of a doghouse and eating from a bowl.
“Good afternoon,” said the wolf.
“Good day,” replied the dog.
“What are you doing?” asked the wolf.
“I’m having my evening meal.” said the dog.
The wolf watched the dog eat.
What Are You Having?
He asked the dog if he was eating a chicken.
“No, not this time. Today I’m having beef,” replied the dog.
“You mean you hunted and caught a cow?” asked the wolf.
“No,” said the dog.
The dog then explained how the farmer fed him scraps of various farm animals every day.
In return the dog guarded the farm from marauding animals and robbers.
“But it’s really nothing,” said the dog. “I just bark at them — and they turn and run away.”
All this time the wolf had not taken his eyes off the dog’s meal.
The Proposal
“Say, could I have some of your food?” asked the wolf.
“I’ll tell you what,” replied the dog. “Why don’t you join me and the farmer. You can help guard this place and the farmer will feed you. And you can stay in a little house like mine.”
The dog finished his meal. It began snowing.
The wolf answered, “That sounds FANTASTIC! YES! I’ll DO it . . . uh, by the way, what’s that thing around your neck?”
A Dog Collar
“Oh this, it’s a collar.”
“And what’s that on the collar?”
“It’s a chain. It connects the collar to a stake on the ground.”
“But why?”
“It’s so that I remain here, in the back yard. You can stay in the front yard — oh here comes the farmer now. I’ll introduce you to him.”
“Uh, no thanks. It was nice knowing you,” said the wolf.
And with that, he ran back into the forest . . . shivering and stomach growling.

Dog, Cat. In the beginning of the story, the wolf felt wonderful and fantastic. True or false? How did the wolf feel in the beginning?
Bird, Pigeon, Dove, Canary. What did the wolf want (to do)?
Fish, Carp, Salmon, Catfish. Did the wolf continue hunting in the forest? What did the wolf do?
Mouse, Mice, Rat, Hamster. Did the wolf go into the chicken coop?
Cow, Cattle, Horse, Pig. The dog and wolf talked about the weather. Is this right or wrong?
Elephant, Hippopotamus, Rhinoceros, Giraffe. The dog made an offer or proposal to the wolf. Is this correct or incorrect? What was the proposal?
Wolf, Fox, Coyote, Jackal. At first, what did the wolf think about the dog’s proposal?
Bear, Tiger, Lion. And so the wolf accepted the dog’s offer and stayed on the farm. Yes or no?
Octopus, Squid. Is there a moral or lesson to the story? What are the advantages of being a watch dog? What are the disadvantages of being a pet dog? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a wild wolf?
Crab, Lobster, Shrimp, Clams, Oyster. Can you give examples of this story from real life, in terms of different lifestyles, work organizations, political systems, culture and nations?
Eagle, Hawk, Falcon, Raptor. I personally know some people who are “dogs” and others who are “wolves”. Yes or no?
Turtle, Tortoise. Has the situation changed over time?
Whale, Dolphin, Orca, Shark.
Would you rather live the life of a “wolf” or a “dog”, in the middle, both or it depends? Why? What about your friends? Do they want to be a “dog” or a “wolf”?
Rabbit, Squirrel, Groundhog, chipmunk. What will it be like in the future?
Deer, Reindeer, Elk, Moose. Would society, a country, the world be better if everyone was a wolf, most people were wolves and some dogs, most people were dogs with some wolves, everyone were dogs, or a mixture of both?