The Bar
buddy | a drink | drink/drank/drunk (2) |
bar (2) | divorce | announcement |
clue | demand | make/made/made |
truth | demanding | marry/married |
pet (2) | smoke (2) | slight/slighter/slightest |
rush | meet up | tell/told/told |
guy | remember | meet/met/met |
loud | nonsense | ring/rang/rung (3) |
heavy | special | give/gave/given |
listen | through | arms crossed |
metal | though | think/thought/thought (2) |
BS (2) | throughout | stand/stood/stood |
meal | cross (2) | appreciation |
arm | inform | tell/told/told |
karen | light (4) | tell/told/told |
It was a Sunday afternoon. A group of buddies were having a drink at a bar. During a lull, one of them, Reginald, stood up, and raised his glass of beer.
“Hey everyone! Listen up!” he said. “I’ve got an announcement to make: Caroline and I are getting a divorce!”
“Huh?!? Really?” said Joe, one of his friends. “But why? You’ve been married for one-and-a-half years.”
Reginald explained that it was his wife that had initiated the proceedings, but didn’t have slightest clue as to exactly why . . . but it didn’t come as a complete surprise. Caroline, he thought, was way too demanding (truth be told, she’s a karen!)
“When did she inform you? Asked Tom, another pal.
“On Wednesday.”
“Did anything happen before that?” quipped Jim.
“No, nothing out of the ordinary. . . Well, maybe last Tuesday evening.”
Reginald told them how after work, he had come to the bar and met up with the guys, as usual. Everyone was drinking, smoking, listening to loud Heavy Metal and talking BS (nonsense).
“Suddenly, my phone rang . . .”
“Yeah, I remember that,” said Dan.
“It was Caroline. She said that if I didn’t come home for dinner in ten minutes, she would give my meal to Rover {their pet dog}.”
And so Reginald got up and rushed back home as quickly as he could. Making it back in thirteen minutes, he ran through the front door. Caroline was standing in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed.
The first thing out of Reginald’s mouth was, “Where’s Rover?!? Where is he?!? How is he?!? Is he okay? Is he alright?”

Bar, Pub, Cafe. This story took place in a company office. True or false?
Disco, Club, Nightclub. In the story, were Reginald and his buddies talking about sports and politics?
Suburbs, Residential area. Reginald is probably middle-aged. What do you think?
Urban area, Urban center. According to Reginald, does his wife want to divorce him because he’s unemployed? What kind of wife is Caroline, according to Reginald?
Downtown, City Center. Reginald’s pastimes are bicycling, exercising, walking in the woods and making videos. Is this right or wrong?
Plaza, Main Square. Did Reginald’s boss call him due to an emergency at work? What happened? What’s the punchline?
City Hall, Municipal building. Does Caroline think Reginald is an ideal husband?
School. My friends and I tell lots of jokes and funny stories. Yes or no?
Park, Water fountain. Do you know (many) people who like to tell and laugh at jokes and stories? Do people in your country like to tell “funny” stories?
Museum, Art gallery. Are sitcoms and comedy TV shows popular in your country? Who are some popular comedic actors and talk show hosts?
Office buildings, Skyscrapers. What will happen in the future?
Fire Department, Police Station. People should tell each other funny stories instead of gloom and doom. Do you agree?