




season winter spring (2)
bloom blossom autumn/fall
hot warm cool
cold freezing heatwave
ice frost icy road
snow leaves hibernate
golden colorful fir trees
Easter holiday Christmas
vacation celebration spring break
feast festival





1. What is your favorite season? My favorite season is . . . . . .

2. Our country has four distinct seasons. True or false? What are these seasons?

3. Do you want to have four seasons or just one season?

4. Have the seasons been changing?


5. Describe the environment in spring.

6. People are happy that winter is over and spring has arrived. Is this right or wrong?

7. Do people celebrate Easter? Is there a spring vacation from school?




8. Is summer everyone’s favorite season? Is summer most people’s favorite season?

9. Do people eat different foods in summer?

10. What do you and your friends do during summer?


11. Describe autumn. What does nature look like in Autumn?


12. Winter is my favorite season! I love winter. Is this correct or incorrect?

13. Describe the scene in winter?

14. What do people eat during winter?

15. People on stay indoors; they never go outside. Yes or no? What do people do outside in winter?

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