religion 3

Religion, 3



16. There are missionaries in my town or city. Yes or no? If yes, how long have missionaries been in your town or city?

17. Have you met or spoken to any missionaries? Who were they? Were they men, women, or both? Where were they from? What did they say?

18. Are there full-time, career missionaries?

19. I would like to become a missionary. True or false?

20. Would you like to be a nun or monk? Why or why not?

Religious Services

15. When do people attend religious services?

17. Who leads religious services?

18. Are priests men or women? Should women be allowed to become priests or reverends?

19. Should (openly) gay men be allowed to serve as pastors, priests, bishops? Why or why not?


16. There are missionaries in my town or city. Yes or no? If yes, how long have missionaries been in your town or city?

17. Have you met or spoken to any missionaries? Who were they? Were they men, women, or both? Where were they from? What did they say?

18. Are there full-time, career missionaries?

19. I would like to become a missionary. True or false?

20. Would you like to be a nun or monk? Why or why not?

Religious Services

15. When do people attend religious services?

17. Who leads religious services?

18. Are priests men or women? Should women be allowed to become priests or reverends?

19. Should (openly) gay men be allowed to serve as pastors, priests, bishops? Why or why not?


34. Talk about Genesis.

35. What are the Ten Commandments? What is the origin of the Ten

36. Why did Jesus come to Earth? What did He look like? Describe Him and His character.

37. Who are your favorite characters or persons from the Bible (besides Jesus)?

God, Heaven; Satan, Hell

38. Is God a “He” or a “She”? Describe God. Describe God’s character.

39. Describe Satan or Lucifer. Where did Satan come from? How did he come into being?

40. Describe Heaven. Describe your Heaven. How do people get into Heaven?

41. Describe Hell. Describe your Hell. Why would some people go to Hell?

42. According to the Book of Revelation, or Apocalypse, what will happen in the future? Who or what are the Four Horsemen? What is Armageddon?


43. What are some “deadly sins”? Why are they bad? Give examples.

44. What happens when people commit sins? What should happen when people commit sins?

45. How “bad” are these “sins”? It’s terrible, It’s bad, It’s neither good nor bad, It’s good, It’s a virtue!

a) Cowardice
b) Drinking, smoking, gambling
c) Gluttony (overeating)
d) Iconoclasm, questioning authority, tradition
e) Killing animals
f) Laziness
g) Lascivious, Licentiousness, Lust
h) Lying, dishonesty
i) Materialism, Desiring money
j) Racism, prejudice, bigotry
k) Selfishness, individualism, egocentrism
l) Slavery
m) Swearing, profanity, cursing
n) Treachery, back stabbing, double crossing
o) Unfaithfulness, cheating, having an affair
p) Vanity, showing off, flamboyance
q) War, waging war

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