The Rabbit
and The Tortoise
turtle | race (2) | tortoise |
laugh | believe | burst out |
burst | contest | approach |
sprint | arrange | starting line |
path | gather | woodpecker |
cheer | shot off | immediately |
crest | serious | plod along |
poop | halfway | disappear |
nod | nod off | cover (2) |
nap | pass (2) | continue |
great | dash off | finish line |
effort | sun set | make his way |
clap | get set | overtake |
The Rabbit and the Tortoise
“You are soooo slow!” said a rabbit to a tortoise.
The rabbit was sitting under a tree as the tortoise walked by.
“I really can’t believe how slow you are!
“Well then, why don’t we have a race?” replied the tortoise.
The rabbit burst out laughing.
A Race
“A RACE? Are you kidding? It wouldn’t be a contest!
“I’m serious,” said the tortoise. “If you think you’re that great, then let’s race.”
“Well, okay. If that’s what you want.”
And so the tortoise and the rabbit arranged to have a foot-race the following Saturday morning.
The Start
When the time came, all the forest animals gathered in a clearing. The tortoise and the rabbit went up to a starting line at a path.
Everyone eagerly watched them.
“On your mark. Get set. Go!” said the official, a woodpecker.

The Rabbit
The rabbit immediately shot off.
He sprinted down the road — and in a few seconds, disappeared over the crest of a small hill.
Meanwhile the tortoise plodded along. After about a minute, he had covered three meters.
But he kept going.

. . . . . . . .
About halfway to the finish line, the rabbit slowed down.
“Whew! I’m so pooped from all that running,” he said to himself.
He then stopped and sat under a tree.
“I’ll just rest here for a little while . . .”
The rabbit began nodding off. Soon, he fell asleep.
Fast forward
Several hours later, the rabbit was still asleep.
Then the tortoise came along, still walking at the same speed.
He passed the rabbit and continued on . . . .
Wake Up
“Ah that was a nice nap,” said the rabbit as he woke up.
Then he noticed that the sun was setting.
“OH NO!” he cried, and dashed off down the road again.
The rabbit ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
A while later, he could see the finish line — and the tortoise was approaching it!
With one last great effort, the rabbit made his way towards it.
He was just about to overtake the tortoise — but the tortoise crossed the finish line first.
All the animals clapped and cheered.
1st. First Question. In the beginning the tortoise was sitting under a tree and a rabbit walked by. True or false?
2nd. Second Question. What did the rabbit say? Describe the rabbit’s attitude in the beginning.
3rd. Third Q. How did the tortoise respond to the rabbit’s comments? Did the tortoise say anything to the rabbit? What did the rabbit say?
4th. Fourth. The rabbit didn’t feel confident. Is this correct or incorrect?
5th. Fifth. They had a race at a track (sports) field. Is this right or wrong?
6th. Sixth. What happened in the first part of the race?
7th. Seventh. What happened in the second part?
8th. Eighth. Describe the ending.
A. Monday. Is there a moral or lesson to the story? The moral or lesson of the story is . . . . .
B. Tuesday. Give some examples from real life.
C. Wednesday. How would you describe people in your class, company or neighborhood? Is people “rabbits” and are some “tortoises”?
D. Thursday. What kind of jobs to “rabbits” and “tortoises” typically do?
E. Friday. I know some people who are “rabbits”. Yes or no? Describe them.
F. Saturday. Do you know anyone who is like a “tortoise”?
G. Sunday. What might happen in the future?