present perfect four
Present Perfect Simple, 4
Work, School
29. How long have you been studying English? Where have you studied English?
30. I have been promoted. If yes, from what to what position?
31. Have you written reports, research papers, books, or newspaper or magazine articles?
32. I given a speech or made a presentation. Yes or no? How did it feel?
33. Has your boss every chewed you out? Have you ever been scolded by a teacher?
34. Has your friend ever been fired, laid off, or made redundant? What for?
Other Experiences
35. I have been in the army (or navy or air force). Was your uncle or grandfather in the army? How was it?
36. Have you ever experienced a war? Have you ever taken part (participated) in a battle?
37. My friend has won an award, prize or competition. True or false?
38. Has your friend been in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H Club, Young Pioneers, or other youth organization?
39. I have never lost data from my computer.
40. What are the most incredible or interesting stories that you have read or heard?