Pranic Healing
clinic | seminar | workshop |
aura | mantra | concentrate |
om | focus (2) | assistance |
spray | motion | spray bottle |
twirl | shoulder | treatment |
twists | palm (3) | placebo effect |
arm | crystal | meridians (2) |
hand | chakras | balance (2) |
finger | flow (2) | rip off (2) |
thumb | warlock | witchcraft |
head | ailment | disruption |
hair | New Age | pain relief |
neck | face (3) | sit/sat/sat |
quiet | silence | stand/stood/stood |
expert | suspense | mystery (2) |
fraud | quack (2) | quackery |
magic | emotion | fraudulent |
witch | sorcerer | hocus pocus |
cure | blockage | charlatan |
scam | harmony | energy (2) |
fake | swindle | magician |
spin | modality | imbalance |
pain | eclectic | syncretism |
spirit | suffering | eclecticism |
soul | anguish | abracadabra |
mind | snake oil | alternative medicine |
Pranic Healing Demonstration
Pranic Healing. Does this take place a medial clinic? Where is this place?
Light and Color Therapy. Did you see a stethoscope or blood pressure gauge? What objects can you see?
Hypnotherapy. How many people were there in the video? Who were they?
EFT, Tapping. They were wearing white medical coats. Is this right or wrong? What were they wearing?
Psychiatric Counseling. Was anyone talking?
Group Therapy, Group Session. Did you hear any sounds? If yes, what was it?
Forest Bathing. The sitting man never moved. True or false?
Yoga Retreat. What was the people doing? Why?
Tai Chi, Qigong. What was going on? What was the purpose of this?
Soothsayer. I have heard of pranic healing. Yes or no?
Prayer Sessions. Are there alternative treatments? Are they well known? What are some alternative modalities that you have heard of?
Acupuncture. Are alternative treatments, medicines, and modalities popular? Do you hear about them on TV, advertisements, etc?
Massage Therapy, Reflexology. Do some or many people think alterative treatments and practices are quackery, charlantanism, or fraudulent?
Silva Method, Meditation. What might happen in the future?
Naturopathy, Homeopathy. What could or should people, governments and experts do?