Pictures, 1130




sun space astronaut
sea beach umbrella
cliff climb kitchen
kite beige basketball
sea cane basket
bee sand bridge
yard watch wave (2)
goat sheep curtain
cow horse chicken
hen shorts feed/fed/fed
shirt dress swim/swam/swum
suit plate T-shirt
tree table plant (3)
bush chair bathroom
pig bowl living room
bed carpet bedroom
fruit faucet telephone
baby river window
talk laugh sink (2)
oven stove banana
cup glass knife (knives)
fork spoon dentist
dish ladder napkin

Here are some pictures. Answer the following questions for each.

1. What is this? This is a . . . . .

2. Where is this place? This is a . . . . .

3. Describe the weather. What season is this? What month is it?

4. Who is this person? He is . . . . . She is a . . . . . They are . . . . .

5. What is she doing? What’s he doing? What are they doing? He is . . . . . .

6. How does he feel? He is . . . . . . .

7. What will happen next? They will . . . . .


Hiking Diving
Disguise Painting
Painting on the wall Pull

Downtown, City Center
Circus Backyard Party

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