nod off pick up

Nod off, Pass off, Pick out

Pick up, Pull in, Pull over



nod off pass away pass off
pass out pick on pick out
pick up pitch in pull apart
pull down pull in pull off
pull out pull over pull yourself together


Nod off, pass away, pass off, pass out (2), pick on

1. Nod off: unintentionally fall sleep, while sitting.
During the speech, some audience members nodded off. Why did some people nod off? When have you sometimes nodded off?

2. Pass away: a euphemism of “to die”.
The John, the famous writer, poet, and philosopher, passed away. Is this good, bad, both, or neither?

3. Pass off: to pretend to be; try to blend in.
He can pass off as a Briton. Is he British? Can you pass off as another nationality?

4. Pass out: faint; lose consciousness.
Margaret passed out. Why did she pass out? Has your friend ever passed out?

5. Pass out: to distribute, hand out.
Do you see people passing out leaflets and brochures in the city center?

6. Pick on: to tease, bully, harass.
Some kids are picked on in class. True or false? Should children be home schooled or have online schooling? Are some people at your school or work picked on?

Pick out, pick up (4)

7. Pick out: to choose; select among a group, batch.
The police lined up a group of men. Why did the police line up some men? Are there many floral shops in your town?

8. Pick up: lift; take up.
I never pick up coins from the ground. Is this correct or wrong. Some authorities say you should pick up every penny on the ground. Why do they say that?

9. Pick up: come somewhere with a car and give someone a ride.
Do or did your mother pick you up from school?

10. Pick up: go and buy something at a store.
What do you sometimes pick from shops? Is it near or far?

11. Pick up: to refresh; revitalize.
Employees at my company (or organization) have coffee breaks. Why do they have coffee breaks?

Pitch in, pull apart, pull down, pull in, pull off (2)

12. Pitch in: to help out; join a group to do something.
In your job, do people usually work individually, or does everyone pitch in?

13. Pull apart:
The children pulled the flowers apart. Why did they pull the flowers apart?

14. Pull down:
What happened after the revolution? Can you give examples of this?

15. Pull in: to arrive.
The trucks pulled in in the evening at the roadside stop. Why did they pull in? Where are there roadside stops? Where do young people with cars like to pull in?

16. Pull off: to detach or remove something from something larger.
The farmers pulled off the grape leaves from the grape vines. Why did they pull off the grape leaves?

17. Pull off: to accomplish a tricky task or stunt successfully, due to a method or technique. Used somewhat negatively.
Money has been stolen. How did the robbers pull it off?

Pull out (2), pull over, pull yourself together

18. Pull out: to remove (hair).
Do your parents or grandparents pull out their white hair?

19. Pull out: when a vehicle leaves a station.
The train pulled out of the station. Do trains pull out on time?

20. Pull over: to drive a car to the side of the rode.
Have you ever been pulled over by a police offier? How often do you get pulled over? Why do police pull drivers over?

21. Pull yourself together:
to regain your composure; stop being agitated.
“Pull yourself together!” Who did someone say this? Why did someone say this?

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