news items 3
News Items, one
Here are some news items.
A. How would you describe them? That’s ………
funny | worrying | fantastic |
super | touching | wonderful |
crazy | shocking | disastrous |
boring | annoying | catastrophic |
unusual | historical | hilarious |
scary | horrible | incredible |
mundane | messed up | outrageous |
sad | important | scandalous |
comical | sickening | sensational |
strange | surprising | stimulating |
tragic | terrible | terrifying |
unreal | gruesome | unbelievable |
awesome | the usual | waste of time |
Oh, my god! Wow! What’ll we do now? What do you think about that? As usual. I pity them. Who cares? I can’t believe it! That’s nothing unusual. Oh, no! How terrible! What a pity.
B. Why did this happen?
C. Is this good or bad?
D. What are the consequences?
News Items
1. India’s economy is expected to grow by 7.8% this year.
2. The National Bank is merging with City Bank.
3. Heads of States are gathering at Davos, Switzerland for their annual economic summit. Various groups are holding protests outside the venue.
4. The Times Newspaper has criticized the governments’ handling of the peace talks with rebel forces.
5. Engineers have unveiled a prototype car; it runs entirely on water.
6. The transportation minister of Zynovia been accused by the opposition of accepting bribes by a construction firm for the new highway.
7. A hundred and twenty nations have signed treaty promising to cut carbon emissions by 50% in the next twenty years.
8. A hundred thousand people have gathered at the plaza to celebrate carnival.
9. At the City Opera House, a fashion show was held. Models have displayed the latest costumes by the fashion designer Pierre Bordeaux.
10. In sports, Melissa Cardigan has won the women’s marathon race.