Pictures of London




palace underground Houses of Parliament
guards Big Ben Buckingham Palace
tube sarcophagus double-decker bus
liberal London Taxi semi-detached house
debate pharaoh detached house
coffin Clock Tower terraced homes
castle mansion terraced homes
tower in session conservatives
moat museum members of parliament

Here are some pictures. Answer the following questions for each.

1. What is this? This is a . . . . .

2. Where is this place? This is a . . . . .

3. Describe the weather. What season is this? What month is it?

4. Who is this person? He is . . . . . She is a . . . . . They are . . . . .

5. What is she doing? What’s he doing? What are they doing? He is . . . . . .

6. How does he feel? He is . . . . . . .

7. What will happen next? They will . . . . .

Big Ben UK Parliament
Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London Apple Market

The British Museum Inside the British Museum
London Transport Museum Natural History Museum
A Street in London
London Pub
Old Apartment Buildings Semi-Detached Homes
Detached Homes Mansion


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