island holiday

The Island Holiday



tour trip (2) receptionist
festive rhythm celebrate
roast plantain fry/fried/fried
island counter shuttle bus
scurry luggage barbecue
line up check in announce
drawer attention board (3)
extend handbag take off (2)
purse passport information desk
rum costume


The Birthday Celebration

In celebration of her twenty-first birthday, Sarah and her friends went on a trip to the island of Puerto Rico. There they had a great time touring the island and enjoying the attractions.

On their final evening, they threw a big birthday party. Everyone wore festive costumes. They danced to the rhythm of Salsa music. They feasted on local cuisine: roast chicken, barbeque ribs, fried fish and plantains, rice and beans. They drank rum.

This went on well into the night.

The Birthday Celebration

The following day, a Friday, Sarah and her friends gathered in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Suddenly, the receptionist appeared and announced that the shuttle bus to the airport would be leaving in 20 minutes — much earlier than expected.

The guests got up and scurried to their hotel rooms, got their luggage, and seated themselves on the bus.

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .

At the Airport

Upon arrival at the airport 45 minutes later, the group lined up at the flight counter. They began checking-in and boarding the plane.

Sarah reached into her handbag for her purse, plane ticket and passport.

But they WEREN’T there!

“Oh, no. I must have left them in my hotel room drawer,” thought Sarah.


Just then, there was an announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. Flight 382 to Melbourne, Australia will be taking off in 20 minutes. Last call for boarding.”

Sarah ran over to the information desk. The next flight to Melbourne won’t be until Tuesday afternoon.

“Oh well. At least I’ll have an extended holiday,” thought Sarah.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


1. Sarah went to Puerto Rico to spend Christmas and New Year’s. True or false?

2. Did they have a good time on the island?

3. What happened on their last night?

4. The next morning, was there either a change in a schedule or wrong information?

5. Everyone boarded the airplane and flew back to Australia. Is this right or wrong? Why didn’t Sarah board the plane?

6. Could Sarah catch the next airplane?

7. Is there a moral or lesson to this story?


A. Do you celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate it?

B. I have visited an island. Yes or no? If yes, what island was it? What was it like?

C. What was the best party that you have had? Describe your best party?

D. Have you forgotten something important or valuable?

E. I enjoy flying on airplanes. Is this correct or incorrect?


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