Hobbies, part one

Hobby can be any type of activity people do during their leisure time. Most people take up a hobby for relaxation, pleasure, or friendships, or to develop new interests. Sometimes a hobby can lead to extra income.

People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies. A hobby offers a way to relax after periods of hard work. Hobbies offer broadened areas of interest and ways to pass the time pleasantly.


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In General

1/2. Do you have any hobbies? What are your hobbies?  My hobbies are . . . . What are your friends’ hobbies?

1/3. Did you and your friends have different hobbies when you were children or very young?

1/4. What are the most popular hobbies in your town, city or country?

1/10. What kind of hobbies do or did your great-grandparents have? Describe the traditional hobbies of your country.

2/3. Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any hobbies?

3/4. If you could take up or perform any hobby, what would you like to do? If I could do any hobby, I would . . . .




4/5. What kinds of hobbies do rich people typically engage in? What kinds of hobbies do middle class people take up? Which hobbies do the poor do?

5/8. Do men and women have the same or different hobbies, or it depends?

6/100. Who has or does more types of hobbies, children, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged or old people? Do people of different age groups have different hobbies?

7/10. Are there certain hobby “fads” or hobbies that become very fashionable or popular for a year then disappear?

8/100. The best way to make new friends is through hobbies and hobby clubs. What do you think?

9/10. Do you know anyone who has made friends or found wives or husbands through hobbies?


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