have fun jack up jump all over

11. Hang on, Hang up

Have fun, Hold up



hand in hand over hand out (2)
jack up hang on (3) jump all over
have fun hold up (3) have to do with
iron out hang up (3) hang around (3)




Hang on (3), Hangover

92. Hang on: hold on to; don’t let go.
“Hang on! Don’t let go! Who said this to whom? Why did he or she say that?
93. Hang on: continue to keep, tightly.
Should your friend hang on to her or his business (home, property, marriage), or should he or she declare bankruptcy (sell it, get a divorce)?
94. Hang on a minute: very informal way of saying “one moment, or please hold, or please wait.”
Do people say, “hang on a minute” or “one moment, please”? When are they used?
95. Hangover: bad condition in the morning after drinking alcohol.
Doran has a hangover. Why does he have a hangover? What kind of individuals get hangovers? What is the best cure for a hangover?

Hang up (3)

96. Hang up: to place a coat, jacket on a hook or peg
When Dan and Gabby entered their home, they didn’t hang up their winter coats. Why didn’t they hang up their coats?
97. Hang up: returning a phone receiver.
Maria answered her phone, but hung up immediately after. Why did she hang up? When Mr. (or Mrs.) Mandel picked up the phone, he (she) heard the other end hang up. What could this mean?



Hang up (3)

98. Hang up: to be troubled or bothered by.
Do your friends, colleagues, boss or classmates have hang ups? My friend is hung up by . . . . Do people prefer living with flatmates or by themselves?

Have fun, have to do with, hold up (3)

99. Have fun
Did you have fun last summer? How do people have fun on weekends and holidays?
100. Have to do with: to be about.
Describe your friend’s company and occupation. His / Her company has to do with…
Her / His job has to do with . . . .
101. Hold up: raise; lift to a higher-than-normal position.
The official held up Kathy’s hand, and everyone cheered. Why did he hold up her hands?
102. Hold up: delay.
Most people are late for work or appointments because they are held up by traffic. Is this correct or wrong?
103. Hold up: to rob.
The robbers held up . . . .  Are there any parts of the city that are dangerous? Have any of your classmates, friends, or coworkers been held up (by a robber)?

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