good samaritan
The Good Pazyryk
access | multifold | wounded |
gold | dispute | waterway |
route | tradition | trade route |
glance | custom | dominate |
trust | territory | suspicious |
vulgar | civilized | look down on |
path | donkey | merchant |
jar | beat up | mushroom |
sack | pass (2) | leap/leapt/leapt |
goods | boulder | merchandise |
care | assault | lie/lay/lain |
able | ground | get along |
hurt | tension | shine/shone/shone |
hunt | struggle | bow and arrow |
bush | dress (2) | steal/stole/stolen |
wipe | recover | bid farewell |
inn | cry out | innkeeper |
Conflicts and Tensions
For as long as anyone could remember, the Pazyryks and Tashenels had wars with each other. The reasons for this were multifold: land disputes, access to waterways, gold and silver, control of trade routes, and who would dominate whom.
Even when they were not fighting, the two groups did not get along with each other due to differences in their language, religion, customs and traditions.
In general, the Pazyryks did not trust the Tashenel, and the Tashenels were suspicious of the Pazyryks. And both groups looked down upon the other as vulgar and uncivilized.
The Merchant
One day, a Tashenel merchant was leading his donkeys on a path toward town. They carried jars of honey and sacks of mushrooms, nuts and dried fruit.
Suddenly, three men leapt from behind some boulders onto the path. “Give us all your merchandise!” they said to the merchant in perfect Tashenel.
“No, these are mine,” replied the merchant. “I’m taking them to market. If you would like them, you can buy them there.”
The three men then began assaulting the merchant. They beat him up and took his donkeys with their goods.
The merchant lay on the ground, badly wounded, and unable to move.
Help Me
Sometime later, another Tashenel merchant came down the road. The first merchant cried out for help. The second merchant continued walking and passed the first merchant without looking at him.
Next, a Tashenel priest came by.
“Oh, please help me!” cried the merchant as he lay on the ground. “I’m hurt and need help. Please help me — or I will die!”
The priest also walked past the merchant without glancing at him.
The Bright Sun
The day wore on. The sky was clear and the sun shone intensely.
Then a Pazyryk hunter carrying a bow and arrow, and a large knife came down the road.
As the hunter came neared, the merchant struggled to move into the bushes, but he could not manage, and so laid still.
The hunter ran up to the merchant.
“NO!” cried the merchant.
“What happened to you?” said the hunter in the Pazyryk language.
They could not understand each other, but the hunter gave the merchant some water from his flask. He wiped and dressed his wounds. Then the hunter helped the merchant on his feet.
Together they slowly walked into town.
The Inn
When they got there, the hunter brought the merchant to an inn.
“But I have no money; it was all stolen,” said the merchant.
Nevertheless, the hunter brought him inside. The hunter explained what had happened to the innkeeper and gave her some money.
And with that the hunter bid the merchant farewell and left the inn.
With the care of the innkeeper, a Pazyryk, the Tashenel merchant soon made a full recovery.
1. The Pazyryks and Tashenels have been traditional enemies with each other. True or false? Why were they enemies with each other?
2. What was the merchant doing? What did he have?
3. Did the merchant sell his goods in the town market? Why couldn’t he sell his merchandise in the market?
4. Everyone helped the injured merchant. Is this correct or incorrect?
5. Did they go back to the merchant’s house?
6. There an irony or paradox in this story. Is this right or wrong?
7. Is there a moral or lesson in this story?
A. Does this sound familiar? Have you heard it before?
B. Are there any ethnic tensions in your neighborhood, city, country?
C. All my friends are the same ethnicity as me. Yes or no?
D. Is there a lot of cooperation, collaboration and partnerships among different ethnicities and nationalities?
E. What will happen in the future?