Goldilocks and the three bears

Goldilocks and

the Three Bears



chair locks (3) once upon a time
nice yummy pretty soon
knock yoo-hoo answer (2)
turn porridge handle (2)
bowl hungry pretty (2)
taste still (2) just right
sigh wake up break/broke/broken
lay upstairs lie/lay/lain
gruff hard (2) fall asleep
soon soft (3) look around
golden great (2) cry/cried/cried
jump scream downstairs
help ran out run away (2)
tired jump up







Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks; she had golden hair.

But she was not a nice girl.

One day, Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest.

Pretty soon, she saw a house.

“Oh, look! There is a house!” said Goldilocks.

She knocked on the door.

“Yoo-hoo! Is anybody home?”

But nobody answered.

“Nobody is here,” she said.

She turned the door handle and went inside.

On the table, there were three bowls of porridge.

“Mmm . . . yummy, yummy porridge! Oh, I am hungry!”

Goldilocks tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

“Oh! This porridge is too hot!”

So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

“Oh! This porridge is too cold!”

So, she tasted the third bowl of porridge.

“Ah, this porridge is just right.”

Goldilocks ate all the porridge.

Goldilocks was tired now.

She walked into the living room where she saw three chairs.

Goldilocks sat in the first chair.

“This chair is too big!”

So she sat on the second chair.

“This chair is too big, too!”

So she tried the third chair.

“Ah, this chair is just right,” she sighed.

But just as she sat down, it broke!

Goldilocks felt sleepy. She went upstairs to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, she saw three beds.

“I am sleepy.”

Goldilocks lay down in the first bed.

“Oh! This bed is too hard!”

So she lay in the second bed.

“Oh! This bed is too soft!”

So she tried the third bed.

“Ah, this bed is just right,” she sighed.

Goldilocks fell asleep.

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .

Soon the bears came home.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge,” said daddy bear in his great, gruff voice.

“Oh, someone’s been eating my porridge,” said mommy bear in her soft voice.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge — and it’s all gone!” cried baby bear.

The three bears began to look around the house.

“Someone’s been sitting on my chair,” said daddy bear in his great, rough, gruff voice.

“Someone’s been sitting on my chair,” said mommy bear in her soft voice.

“Someone’s been sitting on my chair — and it’s broken!” cried baby bear.

They went upstairs into the bedroom.

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Daddy bear.

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Mommy bear.

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed! And she’s still there!”

Just then, Goldilocks woke up, and saw the three bears.

She screamed.

And she jumped up and ran out of the room.


Goldilocks ran downstairs, opened the door and ran away into the forest.


She never came back again.

And the three bears never saw her again.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


1. Who is the main character? What is the girl’s name?

2. One day, Goldilocks visited her grandmother in the city. True or false?

3. What did she see in the forest? Did she just enter or did she knock on the door?

4. Was Goldilocks hungry? What did she do?

5. She felt tired. Is this right or wrong? What happened?

6. Did she feel sleepy? What did she do? What happened?

7. What happened in the end?


A. Have you heard this story before?

B. Is there a lesson in this story?

C. Are there fairytales and folktales involving bears?

D. Have you read many fairytales and folktales? Did your parents and teachers tell you stories?

E. My friends and I love fairytales and folktales. Yes or no?

F. Will you write stories when you get older?


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