going out staying in

Father and Son



engage slightly suits me well
poker bowling insurance
dizzy efficient illustrator
retire effective social security
extra routine freelance
spirit (2) pastime what’s the matter


Mr. Carlton

Mr. Carlton led a very active life. He engaged in a lot of different hobbies and pastimes.

With many friends, he would also go out two or three nights a week.

These evening were spent at bars … bowling … playing poker … and meetings at organizations such as the Lion’s Club.

To Bed

Mr. Carlton would usually get home at 11 or often after midnight, then go to bed.

But he had to wake up early the next morning for work, so he would get only six hours of sleep.

That left him feeling tired and slightly dizzy throughout the day, making him less effective at the office.


Mr. Carlton was an insurance agent — but he didn’t like his job very much.

His real joy in life came from his family … his friends … and his passions: card games … softball … fishing … barbequing … coin collecting.

After retiring, he lived on social security.

Mr. Carlton’s Son

Mr. Carlton’s son, Tim, on the other hand, led a different lifestyle.

Tim never went out on a weeknight. And he usually went to bed by 9:30 pm or 10 pm at the latest.

By the time he woke up between 5 and 6 am, he had gotten a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Work Schedule

And then he started work — as a freelance illustrator and graphic artist.

Tim works 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, plus a few extra hours on the weekend, if necessary.

He doesn’t get tired and light-headed while on the job. . . in fact, his energy level remains fairly high all day long.

Work and Play

This routine suits him well because his greatest pleasure in life is — his profession.

Tim doesn’t consider his work to be work; for him, “work” is more fun than “fun”.

His hobby is his work.

Also, he operates from his own home.

After 6pm Tim ends his workday, and doesn’t do much. He eats dinner, relaxes, reads books, goes for a walk with his dog, does some exercise.

Old Classmate

Recently Tim met an old classmate who he hadn’t seen in 20 years. His friend suggested that they go to a movie or club on Tuesday night, like they did when they were teenagers.

Tim told him Saturday night would be find, because he didn’t work then.

“Huh!?! You don’t go out on weekdays?” asked the friend. “What’s the matter with you? What happened to your old high school spirit?”
“I’ve changed, especially now that I am a working freelance,” replied Tim.

But as a result of always having quiet evenings — at home, Tim gets a good night’s sleep and is fully rested when he gets up in the morning.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


1. Was Mr. Carlton an introvert or extrovert?

2. Do you think he was an exemplary, model employee? Was he very successful?

3. Tim followed in his father’s footsteps. Is this right or wrong?

4. They had the same attitude towards their work and career. True or false?

5. Has Tim changed since he was in high school?

6. Is there a moral or lesson to this story?
A. Most of my friends and colleagues are like Tim. Yes or no?

B. Do you know anyone who is like Mr. Carlson? Describe them.

C. People change throughout life. Do you agree?

D. Is your job fun? Do you enjoy your work?

E. Do you know anyone whose hobby is their job? Describe them.

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