five European cheeses

Five Cheese Towns




remind place (2) immediately
beware frequently take/took/taken
invent to this day make/made/made
box (2) household revolution (2)
located spring (2) household name
remain appetizing the world over
export cardboard come/came/come
add (2) luscious middle-aged
earn wooden incidentally
dairy traditional eat/ate/eaten
local packaging earn a living
imitate kind (2) Middle Ages
hail (4) trade (2) rundown (2)
moist lend (2) associated (2)
rich (2) these days manufacture
long for turn (2)






Five places whose names remind us of cheese. Several towns in the Netherlands have names that immediately remind us of cheese.

5. Take Gouda, our number five, for example, where cow’s milk cheese has been made since the Middle Ages. It has made the town world-famous in fact.

But beware: these days Gouda doesn’t necessarily come from the Dutch town of the same name.

4. This cheese was invented in a village in Normandy, France around 1789 during the French Revolution. Camembert might be small, but it’s now a household name the world over and is fourth in today’s rundown.

Camembert cheese is still produced the same way it was 200 years ago. What’s more, it still comes in the traditional, wooden boxes despite the invention of plastic and cardboard packaging.

3. This small Dutch town was once a trading center for fish and cheese. And Edam remains closely associated with cheese to this day. Located north of Amsterdam, the town still has a traditional cheese market.

Incidentally the Dutch usually eat Edam for breakfast. And Edam comes in third place today.

2. Switzerland is also famous as a cheese producing nation and what more could a dairy cow long for than some of this luscious grass.

To this day many people in the Emmental Valley earn a living from farming and cheese making. The milk from the dairy cows is processed in a large number of local cheese dairies. And exported as Emmental the world over.

Second place goes to Emmental.

1. This has to be one of the most frequently imitated and popular kinds of cheese the world over. Real cheddar cheese hails from the village of Cheddar in Somerset in the southwest of England. And it’s number one on our list of cheese making locations.

But why is it often orange colored?

Well the cheese only turns orange on its own in the spring; that’s when the grass is moist and the milk rich in fat. But these days cheese manufacturers lend a helping hand and add coloring to make it look especially appetizing.

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Milk. This video presented only one type of Swiss cheese. True or false?

Soft Cheese. Were Gouda and Camembert cheeses developed during the industrial revolution (late 1800s) with the advent of food processing?

Hard Cheese. Are Camembert cheeses sold in transparent bags?

Buttermilk. Are the Edam cheese small, medium-sized or large? Can you only buy Edam cheese in supermarkets?

Yogurt. People in the Netherlands use Edam mostly on pizza, spaghetti and cheeseburgers. Is this right or wrong?

Dairy Cream. Is emental cheese entirely consumed by the Swiss? Do only the Swiss eat emmental cheese? Is it confined to Switzerland?

Ice-Cream. Is cheddar cheese naturally orange, a result of added coloring or both?

Curds and Whey. Only these European towns produce their respective cheeses. In other words, edam cheese is only made in the town of Edam; chIs this correct or incorrect?
Butter. Cheese and other dairy products are very popular in my country. Yes or no? Where can people buy cheeses?

Kefir. Is there a wide variety of cheese? Where do they come from? Where are cheese made?

Ghee. What are the most common or popular cheeses and dairy products? How and when do people eat cheese and other dairy products?

Mozzarella Cheese. Have things been changing over the years?

Parmesan Cheese. Has there been a lot of debate about the healthiness of dairy products? Are dairy products considered healthy, unhealthy, both, in the middle, it depends?

Milkshake. What might happen in the future?

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