Classical French Culture, 1




gate refined courtyard
dress golden champagne
brass bubbles brass band
cards ceiling costume party
wig royalty extravagant
patch elegant eye-patch
palace portrait palm reading
serve chorus ostentatious
gilded feather take place
lute curtain period (3)
tour ball (3) flamboyant
elite concert chandelier
choir nobility aristocracy
elan refined sophisticated
urban organize edition (2)
candle costume show (2)
mirror hairstyle instrument
gather fantastic range (2)
place billiards take/took/taken





Reportage. Digital writing. Welcome to Versailles for the second edition of the Fetes Galantes.

Shows and concerts were organized for the visitors.

With period instruments.

“I love the costumes, the hairstyles. It’s fantastic! The people . . The atmosphere is just fantastic.”

About 600 people gathered. Dutch, Greeks, Japanese, Germans. . . and French.

For places ranging from 150 euros. At 410 euros, the next ball will take place on June 25 with Kamel Ouali.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Monarch, Monarchy. In the video was there a narrator speaking or was it completely silent?

King and Queen. Everyone was wearing disco and nightclub clothes. True or false?

Prince and Princess. Did people get soft drinks from vending machines?

Emperor and Empresses. The attendees were mostly teenagers and families with children. Is this correct or incorrect?

Royalty. What were the guest doing? Where they just standing around and socializing? Was the even dull and boring?

Nobility, Nobleman, Noblewoman. Was the music from a stereo system? Did the music come from a stereo system? Were the musicians playing electric guitars, bass guitars, synthesizers and drums?

Baron, Baroness. Guest only stayed in the palace hall. Is this right or wrong?

Duke, Duchess. Can only French royalty and aristocrats attend the festival?
Aristocrats. I have visited palaces, castles and fortresses. Yes or no? What palaces and castles have you visited?

Counsel, Advisors. Are there grand palaces and castles in your region or country? Who resided (lived) in them? Who built them? Are they residences or museums?

Council. Are there fancy, old, traditional balls, festivals and parties?

Palace Guards. What might happen in the future?

Attendants, Servants. Should people celebrate, preserve and carry on with traditional festivals and parties?

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