cheer up come to
5. Cheer up, Come to
Cut back on
catch on | chew out | check out (of) |
come to | check off | check in (to) |
chip in | cheer up | come down with |
call on | chicken out | cut back (on) |
come on | cross out | come across |
call off | catch up | check out (2) |
care for | calm down |
Cheer up, Chew out, Chicken out, Chip in, Come across
33. Cheer up: to become or make happier
Your friend lost his job or broke up with his girl or her boy friend. What do you say to him or her?
34. Chew out: to scold an employee or other subordinate
The boss has chewed out my coworker. True or false? Why does or why would a boss chew out an employee?
35. Chicken out
Troy was going to ask a new girl out . . . but he chickened out at the last minute. Why? Are your classmates, colleagues, or neighbors brave or are they chicken?
36. Chip in: to contribute, donate time or money for a meal, project, activity.
Do you sometimes chip in for a school excursion, church or community event, or birthday party?
37. Come across: to find, unexpectedly.
While hiking in the hills, Peter came across an ancient gold necklace. What should he do? If I came across ancient artifact, I would . . .
Come down with, Come to, Count on, Cross out, Cut back (on)
38. Come down with something: to become ill with something
The presentation has been canceled because the client has come down with the cold. How does the sales team feel? How do you avoid catching a cold? How can you cure a common cold?
39. Come to: to regain consciousness or your senses.
When Larry came to his senses, he left Veronica. When Janice came to her senses, she left Richard. What happened?
40. Count on: depend on; trust that someone will do something.
Can you count on the government to improve the economy and people’s lives?
41. Cross out: to draw a line or “X” through words on paper.
What color pen do teachers use to cross out mistakes? Many say teachers should use a green pen. Why should teachers use green pens?
42. Cut back (on): to reduce, lesson (cigarettes, sugar)
Doug is a couch potato. How does he spend most of his free time? What should he do?