boy and wolf
The Shepherd
Once upon a time, there lived a boy in a village. His name was Daniel.
Every morning, Dan took a flock of sheep from his village to the surrounding pastures on the hillsides. There he would spend the whole day tending them.
This went on day after day, week after week, month after month.
Talk to Sheep
Oftentimes, Dan talked to the sheep. He would tell them, “This is so boring! I’m up here with you all day long. Meanwhile my friends are in the village playing and having fun. This isn’t fair! Why do I have to do this?”

On one clear, sunny afternoon, Dan heard some lively music. He could also smell roasting chicken and pig, and baking cake. It was coming from the village.
“They’re having a celebration!” he said to his sheep as they ate grass. “Everyone is singing and dancing, feasting and having a jolly time! Everyone…except me.”
The sheep continued grazing.
Had Enough
The following afternoon, Dan had had enough. He stood up and turned towards the village and gazed at it. After much though, he cried out, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help! Help!”
Immediately he heard a commotion in the village. In no time at all, men came running up the hill towards him. They were carrying guns and pitchforks.
“Where’s the WOLF?!?” cried the front man.
“Ah…well…there is…no wolf,” said Dan, smiling innocently. “I….just….felt bored and lonely and…wanted….a little…excitement. It’s just a joke! No harm intended.”
“It’s a false alarm,” the man told the others. The men lowered their guns and pitchforks, and went back to the village.
Next Day
The next day, Dan was with his sheep as usual. This time, on impulse, he cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!”
Again, the men came running up. But all they found was a smiling and laughing Dan.
“You must stop playing these tricks!” the front man shouted at Dan, and then scolded him. The villagers then returned to their work.
In the Afternoon
Later in the afternoon Dan began to feel sleepy…..
“What was that?” He thought he heard something in the trees and bushes. Then a large, grey figure emerged.
“WOLF! WOLF! HELP! HELP!” screamed Dan at the top of his lungs. “THERE’S A WOLF! WOLF! WOLF! WOLF! HELP! HELP! HELP!”
This time, no one emerged from the village.
1. Who was Daniel?
2. What did he do one day? Why did he play a hoax on the villagers?
3. How did the villagers respond? How did they feel?
4. Was there any difference between the first and second times when Dan cried “Wolf!”?
5. What happened in the end?
6. What is the moral of the story? Have you heard the expression “to cried wolf”? Give real or hypothetical examples from life.
7. Have you read or heard this story before, at school or from your parents?