boost income 3

Boost Your Income, 3



commit profitable considered
career category objective (2)
role transition bottom line
industry essential voluntarily
abandon fair share contribute
resent oriented keep in mind
identify gradually pay attention
reward keep it up common cause
routine challenge in terms of
observe inside-out determine
key (2) approach determine (2)
field (2) volunteer impressed
dive in follow up give a hand
diligent intention up-and-comer
modify desirable reputation
sincere six-figure promotion


Three Categories of Jobs

Are you in a profit-producing job right now?

If you are not sure, ask yourself: “In the eyes of upper-management, is the work I do considered (1) nice but unnecessary, (2) necessary but not of much interest to them, or (3) essential to the growth and profitability of the business?”

If your job falls into neither category (1) nor (2), don’t worry.

Profit-Producing Jobs

The next question is, which people in your company earn the most? Identify at least three distinct jobs — these should correspond to category (3).

Now, determine which of these jobs you would most like to do.

At this time, you need not abandon your current career. If you are presently working as an accountant, engineer, or office manager, you can still continue doing that while you transition into a more financially-valuable role in your company or industry.

New Skills

But starting today, commit to learning about that job. Find out what it takes in terms of hours and days. Find out what it typically pays, when it pays more and why. Find out about the daily routine, the common problems, the biggest challenges, and the best rewards.

At the same time, gradually develop the skills of a salesperson, marketer, product producer, or profit manager.

Read … Observe … Ask … Practice …

Keep it up, day after day — until you start to feel as if you understand it inside-out.

The Boss

Then when you feel ready, talk to your boss about your plans. Approach key people in the department you’re interested in.

Tell them that you think their field is something you’d be good at. Say you’ve been studying it in your free time and would like to volunteer to help them out and learn even more.

Hopefully, they will see your potential and take you on board (if not, find another company that will).

Applying Your Skills

At this point, make another commitment to using those skills to the growth and profitability of your business.

By voluntarily contributing more than your fair share of work to the business, you’ll be seen as a motivated, enthusiastic, success-oriented player.

People will be impressed by your willingness to dive in and give them a hand. If your intentions are sincere and your follow-up is diligent, you’ll soon enjoy a reputation for being an up-and-comer.


Keep in mind that some of your colleagues will resent you for that. But don’t pay any attention to them. The people who really matter in any growing business are the profit producers themselves — and they will see you as someone who can help the common cause.

Your objective is to start making significant contributions to the bottom line.

Alternative Route

Here’s an alternative approach.

1. Figure out how your business creates profits.

2. Learn how your job contributes to that process.

3. Determine how you can “modify” your job so that your work results in more profits. (And once you start bringing in more profits for the company, make sure the people who give raises know about it.)

Profit Producers

Remember, income producers are viewed as not just “good” but, “necessary” and “highly desirable.”

By making yourself one of the few people in your company who know how to generate profits, you give yourself the greatest chance of getting big raises, big promotions, and earning a six-figure income.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


1. The main criterion as to how essential a job is in a company is its difficulty. True or false?

2. In general, what are the high-paying jobs in a company?

3. Should you simply quit your job as a computer programmer or bookkeeper and become a salesperson?

4. You should only read books in the field you are interested in. Is this right or wrong?

5. What is the decisive act or moment in the transition of your career?

6. Everyone in your firm will be very supportive and encourage you. Is this correct or incorrect?

7. Is there an alternative approach to earning more?


A. Everyone in my company wants to earn more money. Yes or no?

B. What can you say about your or your colleague’s job in terms of necessity?

C. Which positions in your company are essential or highly valuable?

D. Could you learn and master these skills?

E. Would it be possible for you to move or transition into these jobs?

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