bangladesh food stall

Fuska in Bangladesh



fare go back pretty (2)
world hollow country (2)
guess cuisine little while
wish estimate on the go
way aroma in front of
offer residents thousand
fill UNICEF food stall
earn gather to take in
air creation all the best
diner portion sell/sold/sold
cent afford buy/bought/bought
fit any kind eating out
poor dough filled with
lentil onion equivalent
spice meet up square (2)






We’re in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The history of this city goes back more than a thousand years. Today with thirteen million residents, it’s one of the largest cities in the world.

Bangladesh is a very poor country — but you’d never guess from its cuisine. As in India or Pakistan, people here cook with lots of spices whose aroma fill the streets.

At Niked Square, in front of Dhaka University, people of all ages gather in the evening to enjoy a snack.

This food stall offers “fuska”, traditional fare for people on the go. Mohammad Alman is only fourteen, but he has been manning this stand for a year now — and taking in ten euros a day.

“My family is pretty poor so I had to start earning early on. There’s no other way.”

UNICEF estimates that around five million children work in Bangladesh, many of them much younger than Mohammad.

“I went to school for a little while, but my parents couldn’t afford it. A portion of fuska sells for the equivalent of thirty cents.”

“Sitting at any kind of fuska shop, eating out always fuska.”

The little hollow dough balls are supposed to be just big enough to fit into your mouth.

“My fuska are filled with chili, onions, coriander, lentils, salt, masala, potatoes, and tomatoes.”

And what do the diners say about his creations?

“When we meet up, this is where we like to come for a snack.”

We wish Mohammad and his family all the best for his business.


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1. What can you say about Dhaka? Describe Dhaka.

2. What do they say about Bangladesh and its cuisine.

3. Where is Mohammad’s fuska stall?

4. Only students buy and eat fuska. True or false?

5. Who is Mohammad? How old is he?

6. Did he go to school? Why is he working and not going to school?

7. How big are fuskas? What do they contain? What are they filled with?

8. Name some things and activities from the video.

A. Are there fuska-like food in your country? Is there a food similar to fuska in your country?

B. There are Indian or Bangladeshi restaurants in my city. Yes or no?

C. What are some popular street foods, fast foods, or snacks in your city?

D. Are food stalls (street food vending) good business?

E. I would like to own and run a food stall. Yes or no?

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