An Engineer from Yerevan
Sedrak talks about his home and life.
ministry | interested | build/built/built |
realistic | mechanics | tour guide |
honest | together | construction |
grapple | long time | to be honest |
though | think (2) | government |
accept | engineer | accept each other |
history | institute | unfortunately |
culture | place (3) | monument |
attract | heritage | I must say |
allow | too little | turn a blind eye |
destroy | to live out | polytechnic |
travel | pyramid | accept one another |
afford | dream (2) | big money |
My name is Sedrak Bagthasaryan. I was born in 1953 in Yerevan, and lived there for a long time in the house that my grandfather built.
What do you do for a living?
I studied at the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute. I did my doctorate at the School of Mechanics.
I’m a tour guide. But I’ve also worked as an engineer and in the ministry of construction.
What does globalization mean to you?
To be honest, I’ve never really grappled with the idea of globalization, though I think there are a lot of interesting ideas. It is also not so important to know exactly what this foreign word means.
What is important is that people live together happily and accept one another.
What worries you?
Unfortunately, I must say that the government places too little value on the cultural heritage of our city. They are attracted to big money, so they turn a blind eye and allow historical monuments to be destroyed.
Which country would you like to visit?
I’m really interested in history. I’d like to travel to Egypt and see the Pyramids. And to Mexico too.
But I’m also realistic: If I can’t afford to do it, I’d like my children to go there and live out my dreams there.
Greece. Who is this person? What’s his name? Where is he from?
Cyprus. Serdrak lives in an apartment building. True or false?
Lebanon. Did he attend a vocational-technical collage? Did he study culinary arts?
Russia. What jobs has he had? What did he used to do in the past?
Ukraine. Serdrak still works as an engineer now. Is this right or wrong?
Italy. Does he feel positive, negative, both, neither, or neutral about globalization?
France. What worries him? . . . . worries him. He is worried about . . . .
Egypt. Is he interested in luxury cars, sports cars, new, sleek, fast cars? He is interested in . . . . . .
Spain. He would like to visit London and New York. Is this correct or incorrect?
California, United States. Are the historical and cultural monuments of your city being preserved, neglected, or destroyed?
New York, New Jersey, USA. Are you from Yerevan? Do you live in Yerevan? Have you been to Armenia?
Massachusetts, US. Have you met people from Armenia?
Toronto, Canada. Describe the climate and geography of Armenia.
Mexico. Describe the economy of Armenia. What does it import and export?
Colombia. What is Armenian food like? Describe the cuisine of Armenia.
Brazil. What are some tourist attractions (cultural, historic, natural)?
Argentina. What comes to mind when you think of Armenia? What do you associate with Armenia?