The Ant and
the Grasshopper
grass | guitar | grasshopper |
feast | sunbathe | sing/sang/sung |
crisps | chips (2) | drink/drank/drunk |
carry | biscuit (2) | sleep/slept/slept |
ant | donuts | swim/swam/swum |
gather | plenty | reply/replied |
freeze | store (2) | think/thought/thought |
laugh | approach | begin/began/begun |
starve | should | other times |
knock | hungry | lead/led/led |
group | crumb | living room |
joke | all over | sit/sat/sat |
shiver |

Football, the Beach, Clubs
It was a long, hot summer.
A grasshopper sat in the park. He sang and played his guitar.
At other times, he played soccer (football) with his friends. Then he walked to the beach. There he swam or just lied on the sand.
In the evening, the grasshopper went to the disco, where he drank and danced till morning.
TV, Chips, Biscuits, Cake, Donuts
When he came home, he slept until two o’clock in the afternoon. He then watched TV, while eating chips, biscuits, cake and donuts. He also drank lots of soda.
The Ant
One day as the grasshopper sat under a tree, he saw an ant. The ant was carrying a large piece of breadcrumb.
“Hello, Mr. Ant,” said the grasshopper. “What are you doing?”
“I’m gathering food,” replied the ant.
“But why?” asked the grasshopper. “There is plenty of food all over. We can just eat anything, anytime! Why don’t you sing, dance, play music, and play football with me.”
No Thanks
“Thanks, but I can’t,” said the ant. “I’ve got to store food in my home. When winter comes, there won’t be any. You should do the same.”
The ant continued carrying the breadcrumb.
“Hah! hah! What a foolish ant,” thought the grasshopper. He continued playing his guitar and singing.
Then winter approached. There was less food around.
The grasshopper began feeling cold and hungry.
Soon it began snowing. Hardly any food was available.
By now the grasshopper was starving and freezing.
So he went to the ant’s home.
Music, Singing, Laughter
At the ant’s home, the grasshopper knocked on the door. He could hear music, singing and laughter inside.
The door opened.
“Hello Mr. Grasshopper. How are you?” said the ant.
The grasshopper just stood there shivering. “Come in,” said the ant.
The ant led the grasshopper into a large hall. There a group of ants were having a feast. They were eating, drinking, singing, joking, and laughing.
It felt very nice and warm inside.
“Sit down and have something to eat,” said the other ants.

Farmer, Farmhand, Harvester. This story was about football matches, clubs and discos. True or false?
Rancher, Shepherd. During the summer, what was the ant doing? What things did the grasshopper do?
Carpenter, Mason, Bricklayer. Everything remained the same. Nothing changed. Is this right or wrong?
Plumber. In winter the grasshopper continued playing and the ant continued working. Yes or no? How was the grasshopper during the winter?
Electrician. Were the ants working very hard in winter?
Mechanic, Machinist. Was the ant generous, or selfish and greedy? How would you describe the ant? How would you characterize the grasshopper?
Welder. The moral or lesson of the story is . . . . . . . .
Truck Driver, Deliveryman. What have your teachers and parents told you?
Cook, Chef. Can you think of any examples of this in real life? Do you know anyone who is like the grasshopper?
Waiter, Waitress. Do you know anyone who is like the ant?
Store Clerk, Shopkeeper, Cashier. I know or see people who work really hard, but are not successful or who are struggling?
Clerk, Secretary. There are individuals who are “lazy”, but very successful. Yes or no?
Boss, Manager. What might happen in the future?