The Ant and
the Grasshopper
cute | heavy | grasshopper |
stroll | store (2) | swim/swam/swum |
crisps | biscuit | upcoming |
ant | strong | breadcrumb |
peace | gather | walk past |
load | plenty | all around |
donut | anytime | put down |
join | head (3) | sunbathe |
fix | pathway | stride/strode/strode |
Earth | spy (2) | what on earth |
piece | sturdy | patch up |
feast | corridor | approach |
starve | freeze | comfortable |
knock | shiver | resume (2) |
hall | follow | stand/stood/stood |
haul | meadow | nonsense |

It was a long, hot summer.
During this time a grasshopper would stroll around the center of town. Then he went to a park.
There he watched all the girl grasshoppers go by. Sometimes he talked to them. But they just walked past.
Football, Beach, Club
Other times the grasshopper would play football with his friends. After that, they went off to the beach and swam and sunbathed.
In the evening they headed to a nightclub, where they drank and danced till morning.
TV, Chocolate, Donuts
In between these activities, the grasshopper stayed at home. He watched TV. He ate chips, crisps, biscuits, donuts and pastries. He drank soda.
The Ant
One day as the grasshopper sat under a tree, he saw an ant walking by. The ant was carrying a large piece of breadcrumb.
“Hello, Mr. Ant,” said the grasshopper. “What are you doing? Why are you carrying that heavy load?”
“I’m gathering food,” replied the ant. “I am taking this breadcrumb, for example back to my home.”
“But why?” asked the grasshopper. “There is plenty of food all around us. We can just eat anything, anytime we want!
Why don’t you put that breadcrumb down and join me. We can sing, dance, play music and play together.”
“I can’t,” said the ant. “I must continue. I’ve got to store food in my home in preparation for the upcoming winter when there won’t be any.
You should do the same.”
And with that the ant resumed hauling the breadcrumb.
Hah, rubbish! thought the grasshopper and began playing his guitar and singing.
The Anthill
Later as the grasshopper strode down a pathway, he saw the same ant working on an anthill.
“Mr. Ant. What on earth are you doing?” the grasshopper asked.
“I’m fixing up my home,” replied the ant.
“But why? The weather is so nice and hot that you can sleep outside comfortably!”
“Yes, we can . . . now. But in wintertime, it will be very cold. We’ll need strong, sturdy shelter,” and with that the ant continued patching up his home.
What nonsense! though the grasshopper and went to the meadow, singing to himself.
Soon the air began to get cooler.
The grasshopper started feeling cold. And hungry. His food was running out. His house was as chilly inside as it was outside.
One day, it began snowing.
The grasshopper eventually found himself starving and freezing.
So he headed for the ant’s home.
Music, Singing, Laughter
When he got there he knocked on the door. From within he could hear music, singing and laughter.
The door opened.
It was the ant.
“Hello Mr. Grasshopper. How are you?” said the ant. The grasshopper just stood there shivering. “Come in. Come and join me and my friends!”
A Huge Feast
The grasshopper followed the ant through the corridor and into the living hall. There he saw a groups of ants having a huge, delicious feast. They were also drinking, singing, joking and laughing.
It was very nice and warm inside.
10. In the summer, the grasshopper worked hard, but the ant only played. True or false?
20. What exactly did the grasshopper do? What did the ant do?
30. Who do you think is older, the ant or the grasshopper?
40. In winter the grasshopper continued playing and the ant continued working. Yes or no?
50. Did they meet each other again?
60. Was the ant generous, selfish or indifferent?
70. Is there a moral or lesson to the story? The moral or lesson of the story is . . . . . . .
80. Have you heard this story before?
90. I know many people who are “ants”. Is this right or wrong? Describe them.
100. Do you know any “grasshoppers”? What are they like?
110. Should people be ants 100% of the time? People should never be grasshoppers. What do you think?
120. Are there differences among the different generations?