adopt act trick

Adopt, Excite Twist, Locate

Invade, Knit, Trust, Trick



adopt rate act
twist locate invade
knit import promote
heat trust trick
inspect invent excite
sweat recover add
interpret predict prevent


Adopt, rate, act, twist, locate

1. My parents adopted me. True or false? Were any of your classmates or colleagues adopted?

2. I like rated……movies. My friends like rated…….movies. How do you rate the internet from one to ten?

3. Some of my classmates or coworkers or neighbors act tough and cool. Yes or no? If yes, how do they behave?

4. What did the police officer do to the criminal?

5. My mobile or smart phone can locate any address. Is this correct or wrong? Can rescuers locate anyone with a smart phone?

Invade, knit, import, promote, heat

6. The US and UK should invade countries with dictatorships, overthrow them, and install democracy. What do you think?

7. Does your grandmother knit sweaters and socks?

8. What does your region or country import and export?

9. My company promotes and markets its products or services. Yes or no? If yes, how does it do that?

10. Do you enjoy heated leftovers from the previous day?

Trust, trick, inspect, invent, excite

11. What do you trust more, advertisements or a friend’s recommendation? Do you trust the government?

12. Have you ever been tricked by stores, salesmen, or online?

13. My parents inspect my room. My manager inspects my office and desk. True or false? Do you like inspections?

14. Who invented the car? Who invented the airplane? Who invented writing, money? In the future someone should invent…..

15. ……..excites my classmate/coworker/neighbor.

Sweat, recover, add, interpret, prevent, predict

16. I sweat only in the summertime. Is this correct or wrong?

17. What is the best way for the economy to recover?

18. Is it good to add more people to your city or country? Should more people be added to you city or country?

19. Our company or organization has full-time interpreters and translators. Yes or no?

20. How can people prevent heart attacks, strokes, and cancer? People can prevent heart attacks, strokes and cancers by………

21. What do you predict for the future? I predicts that………..

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