80-20 rule work

Apply the 80-20 Rule



rule principle principal
power powerful important
time manage time management
tools divide all
vital trivial activity
law thing percent (%)
fully value account (2)
apply aspect reverse (2)
life sell personal
sales product customers
profit success advancement
list income particular
worth more less
other together put together
focus ability identify
task determine as much as
factor practice productivity
creative everything procrastination
since something therefore
yourself contribute discipline
result average hold your feet to the fire
after start consequence
before deliberately continuously
begin always check (2)
sure rest (2) make sure





The 80-20 Rule, the Pareto Principle, is one of the most important and powerful time management principles.

This rule comes from the Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto who divided all activities into the vital few and the trivial many.

This law says that 20% of the things you do — the vital few — will account for fully 80% of the value of all the things you do.

The reverse of this principle is that 80% of the things you do will account for 20% of the value of all your activities.

This 80-20 Rule applies to all aspects of business and personal life.

In business, 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customers. 80% of your profits come from 20% of your products. 80% of your sales come from 20% of your sales people.

80% of your income, success and advancement will come from 20% of your activities.

If you make a list of ten things that you have to do on a particular day, TWO of those items will be worth more than the rest of the other items put together.

Your ability to identify and focus on the top 20% of tasks will determine your success and productivity as much as any other factor.

And here’s an idea for you: practice creative procrastination with the 80-20 Rule.

Since you can’t do everything, you have to procrastinate on something. Therefore, discipline yourself to procrastinate on the 80% of activities that contribute very little to your life and your results.

The average person procrastinates on high value tasks — but this is not for you.

You must hold your own feet to the fire, and procrastinate deliberately and continuously on those low value items that have very few consequences if they are done or not.

Before you start work, always check to make sure that what you are doing are in the top 20% of all the things you could be doing. Procrastinate on the rest.

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1. The speaker developed the 80-20 Rule. True or false?

2. What do the 80 and 20 represent? 80 represents….

3. Does he give examples of the 80-20 Rule? If yes, what examples does he give?

4. Describe the list that he talked about.

5. What does he say about creative procrastination?

6. What does the average person do?

7. What should you do?
A. The 80-20 Rule can be applied to my work and tasks. Yes or no?

B. Do some or many people in your company or office follow the 80-20 Rule?

C. Make a list of all your work activities. Can you identify the top 20% of tasks?

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